Holistic Treatment for Chronic Liver Diseases

Holistic Treatment

Holistic Treatment

Principle of Holistic Treatment

  1. Human body has a wonderful self-healing power
  2. Through excellent drainage system i.e. Liver, Colon, Kidney, Lungs, etc., waste material is thrown out of the body.
  3. Whole of the body is a unit so it is treated in totality
  4. Body has a strong defense (immune) system
  5. At any point of time (age) live tissues can be regenerated and
  6. Immune system can be modulated

Treatment Protocol

  1. Avoidance of allergen food: both known to the medical world after various studies and known to the patient itself
  2. Correction of DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Regulation of biological clock and right food
  3. Decongestion of VITAL ORGANS i.e. Liver, kidney, Colon Gall Bladder, Lungs, etc.
  4. Cellular DETOXIFICATION: through various natural chelation/detoxification methods
  5. ACID & ALKALI IMBALANCE correction: through alkali forming food and nutrients
  6. Nutritional cover along with PHYTONUTRIENTS supplementation: initially ONA (Optimum Nutritional Allowance) is recommended followed by RDA (Daily Recommended Allowance) is the choice of the prescription Herbs like Tecoma undulata, Phyllanthus urinaria, Taraxacum officinale, Nyctanthes arbortritis & Terminalia arjuna, etc are also used in the treatment of liver.
  7. Physical exercise and healthy life style choice hasten the process of recovery.

You can call us on +91-9289070070 or contact us for a consultation of your query, problem and treatment cost.

Treatment Tools

» Regulation of Digestive System:
Regulation of biological clock; fibre rich and alkali forming food

» Decongestion of Vital Organs:
Liver/Gall Bladder/Colon/Kidney: Well documented herbs/food i.e. Aloe Vera Gel, Sarsaparilla, Cold Pressed Oils, Corn Silk, Watermelon Seeds, Dandelion, Horsetail, Parsley, Dead Sea Salt, etc are used

» Parasite Cleanse:
Through herbal tinctures

» Cellular Detoxification & Alkalization of Body Tissues:
Rotational use of juice of seasonal vegetables fortified with Grape Seed Extract, organic Spirillum and Wheat Grass/Barley Grass juice powder; Giloye; Anwala, Tulsi, Sahjan, etc. Most of the times juices are also fortified with polyphenols found in different kinds of hard cider i.e. apple, beet root, grapes, berries and sugarcane, etc. (Fortified juices are advised with breakfast)

» Nutritional Cover:
Initially nutrients are used according to ONA (Optimum Nutrition Allowance) Recommendation and once threshold is achieved patients are advised to follow RDA (Recommended daily Allowance).

Anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, omega fatty acids, L-Arginine, Ginko Biloba, etc. in the capsule & tablet forms.

Duration of the Treatment

Duration of the treatment varies according to the type, duration and severity of the illness.

Positive changes may be observed within days in most of the cases suffering from the disorders. For the best results time period may vary from 4 to 6 months or sometimes more for the complete recovery.


The results are well established. Even the most chronic and severe cases respond early. After complete recovery, patients are advised to follow some maintenance treatment.